車両診断通信 [DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 41 [UDS 2] P2 time is explained with figures.P2* timeout will be explained later.S3 time is explained with figures.S3 time is explained in detail.It is difficult if you don't know the various services. 2022.12.24 車両診断通信
車両診断通信 [DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 40 [UDS 1] Review of the Diagnostic Troubleshooting Communication Layer.The response message timeout parameter is P2 time.Session timeout parameter is S3 time 2022.12.23 車両診断通信
車両診断通信 [CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 39 [Simulation 27] Click here for back issues.Introduction.Let's simulate ISO-TP. Series of.Continuation of the times to simulate.This time... 2022.12.22 車両診断通信
車両診断通信 [CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 38 [Simulation 26] Review of simulation configuration.Code handling on the virtual ECU side.Currently, it's private, give me a break.Confirmation of communication logs of SF-SF, SF-MF, and MF-MF. 2022.12.21 車両診断通信
車両診断通信 [CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 37 [Simulation 25] Fixed the script for Python can-isotp requests.The request is now ISO14229-1 compliant.Implemented AUTOSAR-CanTp side.The response is now SO14229-1 compliant as well.The code has not been published yet for personal reasons. 2022.12.20 車両診断通信
車両診断通信 [CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 36 [Simulation 24] We defined a concrete configuration structure for AUTOSAR-CanTp.The number PduId is used when interacting with CanIf.In this case, the following.0: Transmission of 0x18DAF110.1: Receipt of 0x18DA10F1.2: Transmission of 0x18DA10F1.3: Receipt of 0x18DAF110.The Receive Control Block for CH_RX_CB and the Transmit Control Block for CH_TX_CB are for work. 2022.12.19 車両診断通信
車両診断通信 [CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 35 [Simulation 23] The configuration structure of CanTp is described in the AUTOSAR specification.However, there is no UML description.The update priority may have been lowered since it has been followed since the OSEK era.This time, we will define the corresponding structure entity manually without using a configurator. 2022.12.18 車両診断通信
車両診断通信 [CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 34 [Simulation 22] CanTp is based on the concept of a pair of transmitting and receiving channels.Channels can be duplicated.However, dynamic duplication is not allowed. Only static duplication is possible. 2022.12.17 車両診断通信
MATLAB/Simulink Windows10(64bit)でMATLAB 2012b のmex setup(コンパイラ環境構築) ※ レジストリをいじるので、本記事をもとに作業する場合は自己責任でお願いします。MATLAB 2012bの64bitコンパイラ環境はVisual C++ 2010にする必要があるのだが、Windows10においてはVisual C++ 2010且つ64bitコンパイラを用意するのはかなり難儀した。自分自身の忘備録として残しておく。 2022.12.16 MATLAB/Simulink
車両診断通信 [CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 33 [Simulation 21] Review of AUTOSAR CanTp interfaces.I have drawn a figure of the interfaces of AUTOSAR CanTp.Each interface is defined in its own header file.But we need to be reconciled for simulation. 2022.12.15 車両診断通信