
[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 60 [UDS 21]

Explanation of the request message for the WriteDataByIdentifier service.Unlike the ReadDataByIdentifier service, one DID is fixed.Explanation of the response message of the WriteDataByIdentifier service.In practice, NRC$78 may be interleaved.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 59 [UDS 20]

The WriteDataByIdentifier service has been explained.Usage scenarios.Communication characteristics tied to non-volatile memory.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 58 [UDS 19]

Confirmed single DID transmitted and received.Confirmed transmitting and receiving multi-DIDs.Confirmed some DIDs are undefined patterns.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 57 [UDS 18]

Explanation of the request message for the ReadDataByIdentifier service.Multiple DIDs can be set.There may be a limit on the number of DIDs that can be set, and it is an error if the number is exceeded.It is also an error if the response message exceeds 4095 bytes.Explanation of the ReadDataByIdentifier service response messageCombination of DID and dataRecord.In case of multiple DIDs, the above combination is placed in one message.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 56 [UDS 17]

Explanation of the usage scenario of the ReadDataByIdentifier service.Vehicle status monitoring (verification during development, failure analysis after market release).Forced operation status monitoring during vehicle assembly.Freeze data acquisition at the time of failure detection.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 55 [UDS 16]

Explanation of the messages of the TesterPresent service.Explanation of suppressPosRspMsgIndicationBit.PositiveResponse suppression.NegativeResponse is returned.PositiveResponse after NRC$78 is also returned.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 54 [UDS 15]

There is a service called TesterPresent service that does nothing.The TesterPresent service has the following usage scenarios.Checking for communication.Node presence/absence check.Session maintenance.The TesterPresent service is a service that must be supported.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 53 [UDS 14]

Explain the basic flow of the SecurityAccess service.Explain the actual messages in the basic flow of the SecurityAccess service.Security is applied to resources.Service.DID.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 52 [UDS 13]

The SecurityAccess service is purposely troublesome procedure, which is the security strength.Must transition to non-defaultSession in advance.Must wait 10 seconds after IGon.If you make a mistake unlocking, you have to IGoff once.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 51 [UDS 12]

The SecurityAccess service has two major message patterns.requestSeed.Odd sub-functions.sendKey.Even sub-functions.